I love to read. It is something I make time for because I enjoy it and its relaxing for me. Like today for instance is a rainy nasty day outside which is perfect for lounging in bed and exploring a good book. And that is most likely where I will be as soon as I finish my lesson plans for the week.
There are three books coming out on February 22 that I am really looking forward to reading. I thought I would share a little about them. I'm currently finishing
The Girl That Kicked A Hornet's Nest, so I'll be reviewing that trilogy soon!

Ok, First
The Remembering by Steve Cash. It is the final book in a trilogy about a race called The Meq. I got to read an advance copy of the first book called The Meq in 2004 and I have been mesmerized by this series every since. The second book finally came out in 2008 and now after what seems like forever the final book is on its way. I am super excited for this concluding novel. Over the next month I am reading the first two books again in anticipation of its release.

The second book I'm looking forward to is called
Pale Demon by Kim Harrison. It is in Kim's Hollows series. It will be the ninth book in that series. I have really enjoyed this series. It follows the life of Rachel Morgan is a witch that has a habit of getting herself in and out of trouble. Ivy, a vampire and Jenks, a pixy make up the core of her adventurous team.

Last but certainly not least is Amber Benson's third installment of the Calliope Reaper-Jones series. It is called
Serpent's Storm. I have really enjoyed everything Amber has written or co-written and this is no exception. This series is fun and imaginative. I'm really excited about this next book.
Promoting: Steelers vs Falcons in the Super Bowl (And I'm rooting for the Falcons but don't tell my step dad; he's a Pittsburg boy)
Reading: The Girl That Kicked A Hornet's Nest Stieg Larson
Writing: lesson plans for the next three weeks
Hearing: Something from the Xena soundtrack by Joseph LoDuca
Watching: Football Playoff games (hope they are better than yesterday)
Wearing: Charlie's Angels T-shirt
Going: to clean off my desk today even if it takes me all day. I'm super tired of all the damn clutter.
Success Doesn't Just Happen!
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