
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

21 Ways to Make Simple New Year's Resolutions

 This is a pretty cool article by Janice Taylor.

1} Write Down Your Goals (75% of what we write down happens)
2} Exercise your 'want' muscle (Make sure your goal has deep meaning for you)
3} Take a Leap of Faith 
4} Create A Plan
5} Set Your Mind (It starts and ends in the mind)
6} Be Specific 
7} Visualize (See yourself doing what you need to do to achieve your goal)

"Attitude - Whether you think you can or you think you can't.... you're right."

8} Less is More (Don't try to change to much at once.  Pace yourself)
9} Find a 'Resolution Buddy' (And share your goals now you are accountable to someone else)
10} Set a Time table (The difference between a goal and a dream is a deadline!)
11} Create A Vision Board
12} Take a Risk (Stretch a bit outside of your comfort zone)
13} Remind yourself of your goals daily
14) Accentuate the Positive
15} Celebrate Failure (If at first you don't succeed, Try...try again!!)
16} Start a Journal (Record successes, failures, A-Ha! Moments)
17} Get some daily inspiration 
18} Steer clear of negativity
"Those who bring sunshine in the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves."

19} Fake It Til You Make IT!!
20} Be Patient (Change takes time.  "Life is a journey NOT a destination")
21} Remember:YOU matter!!

To check out Janice Taylor's entire article Read more:

Success Doesn't Just Happen!

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