
Friday, September 17, 2010

I am so tired!!

At the moment I'm trying to recall why it was that I agreed to be scorebook keeper for our JV and Varsity Volleyball teams.  I really just want to go home and take a big, long nap until tomorrow.

So we learned about Personality in class today or rather my students did.  At least that was the plan.  Then we worked on our Happy Books.  (Yeah, don't ask.)  This like the fore mentioned lesson on personality went off with varying (is that a word?) degrees of success.

I had a pretty good week.  My beloved Houston Texans whipped the Indy Colts soundly on Sunday which was a wonderful start to my week.   That was actually my birthday wish and present from Jill or so she claims. 

Then I turned 40 on Wednesday and ate cupcakes all day which was fabulous!!  I went home Wednesday after school and played Fable 2 all evening. (I finished the storyline in the game for like the sixth time but it was the first time on my own personal Xbox 360 which was my birthday present to myself.)

Last night we had a meeting about our Eurpean Carinval trip that is happening next summer.  It was very informative.  I am pretty excited about it.  About eight of the ladies I went with to Italy in '08 are going again on this trip.  We will have an amazing time.  I can hardly wait!!

And that bring us back to today, tonight and the volleyball games I will be watching instead of sleeping.  Also I have to create my own Happy Book this weekend to model for the students next week.  Happy Happy Joy Joy

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1 comment:

TheWeyrd1 said...

Happy Birthday... And the Bronco's put a good fight, but all their mojo must be in Houston now...sigh. So I guess since you're going to Europe next summer you won't be available to go to Peru...