So I read the 100 most influencial people edition of Time magazine. Ok, mostly I just skimmed it to see who they deemed most influencial. I mean, does anyone actually read those news mags from cover to cover?
No, really? I'm curious about that. I have tried on occasion, but I just can't. I actually rarely read any magazine like that. In fact, I don't often read entire articles.
At first a headline may spark an interest and after a paragraph or two I no longer care. Sometimes I actually get half through the article before I stop caring, but rarely do I make it to that final period box thing that marks the true end of the article.
Is there such a thing as reading ADD because I might have that?
But I disgress. After skimming the issue of Time I made my own list from theirs (because who has time to actually compile their own). I'm not sure influencial is the right word either. So here is my 2009 most outstanding persons list. These are in no particular order
The Twitter Guys (Jack Dorsey & Biz Stone)
Suze Orman
Jeff Kinney
Tom Hanks
Lauren Zalaznich
Barbara Hogan
Kate Winslet
Tina Fey
Sarah Palin
Chesley B. Sullenberger
Richard Phillips
Jeff Bezos
If you aren't familiar with someone on the list, then you should educated yourself and look them up. I have provided a couple of useful links below: Doesn't Just Happen!