Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy Bunny “It’s All About Me.” - I like his attitude!
Under the Tuscan Sun - I have always wanted to go to Italy especially after seeing this movie back in like 2004. This year I got to go. It was fabulous. I had the best time ever and the country is absolutely gorgeous!
Jill Bennett “an intelligent, witty woman that is refreshingly full of candor, courage, and charisma.” I heart this woman!
Quote: The best day of your life is the one in which you decide your life is your own, no apologies, no excuses. ~ Dan Zadra
Song: Fall for you (Second Serenade), She never cried in front of me (Toby Keith) These were two of my favorite songs of the year that I listen to over and over again. No idea why really?
Bridget McManus - She makes me giggle!
Chelsea Handler - Gawd! I wish this woman was a lesbian! She is hilarious and she makes me think.
Quitting my job - actually only quit part of my job not because I didn't like doing it but just because I was tired of working 80 hours a week.
Writer's Strike – Caused me to discover WGN!
Fable 2 - I love this game. It is definitely in my top three of all time!
Success Doesn't Just Happen!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas to All!
I spent another night in the hospital with my Grandpa. He spend the first three days there trying to get out of bed and has apparently, finally pooped himself out. So he slept all night, so I got some sleep myself as much as is possible in the hospital barklelounger chair thingy.
Still don't know for sure if he had a ministroke or just an upgrade in his already progressing Alzheimer's and probably we won't know ever.
My BFF grandma is home sick, but no new critter stories.
Success Doesn't Just Happen!
Monday, December 22, 2008
Brief Rant
Here's the thing. I just can't get even remotely excited about the upcoming season of TLW when I know there is no WGN. WTF??
I might read Scribegrrl; she is responsible for my finding WGN in the first place and I have read every other season from her; however, I have zero interest in watching anyone else but my terrible trio vlog it. In fact not really even interested in watching the show.

On a happy note I am interested in seeing Joss Whedon's new show, Dollhouse because I absolutely love me some Eliza. I could enjoy watching her read the phone book.
Success Doesn't Just Happen!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Energy drains:
Seven Things That Sap Your Spiritual Energy:
1} Clutter (I can see that)
2} Loud Noises (Sure, definitely annoying ones)
3} Air Pollution (yuck)
4} Dehydration (Never a good thing)
5} Worrying (pointless activity which I don't do or recommend)
6} Television (Now they lost me)
7} Sleep Deprivation (Totally agree with this one)
Ok, I can definitely agree with six out of seven. Television really? I find my TV very relaxing, rewarding, and fulfilling. I could never give it up.
Promoting: No Place for Hate
Reading: Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
Writing: My Memoirs (It's all about me.)
Hearing: Christmas music mix
Watching: The Viotet Underground
Wearing: My Looney Tune Friends sweatshirt
Going: to bed Ciao!
Success Doesn't Just Happen!
Some random thoughts...
Quote of the day:
‘Better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life.’
(Goodnight, Irene – Jan Burke)
Movie Review:
I saw part of the movie Dark Knight last night. I don’t get it? Unless you are like a ten year old boy or girl…What’s the appeal in a lot of blowing stuff up and killing people by blowing them up, or not in some cases. I’m pretty sure I won’t be seeing the sequel or the prequel. My ten year old nephew will be disappointed but I’ll be sitting this one out; he’s getting Dark Knight for Christmas but not from me.
Survivor: Gabon Earth’s Last Eden Finale:
How HOT is Corinne? And naughty, I mean nasty. Whatever. She is my new favorite person.
I don't like her hair in this picture but its the only picture I could find quickly. More on her and the season finale of my favorite show later.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Jill Bennett called ME a dumb ass!!!
I congratulate Barack Obama on his win and I hope he can make some positive changes by leading our country in a new direction. The way we have been headed really sucks!! Time will tell.
Success Doesn't Just Happen!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Dude! It's cold
I'm contemplating a name change; Not for me but for my blog. The current one doesn't really resonate with me anymore. Basically, I'm over it. But it was an improvement over the original title which turned out not to be so original.
TIVO -- Can I just tell you how much I love this invention? In fact I put it on my list of things I'm thankful for (is that bad?). I read Bridget McManus's blog this morning like I always do.
(My morning really sux when I awake to find there is no new Bridget blog to entertain me.)
Anyway, she is apparently attempting to cheer herself up by making a list of five things she has to be thankful for, so I have been thinking on this off and on all day in between my brief lectures on female reproduction (I was never so tired of talking about pussy -- maybe if I could use that word it would have been more fun). Anyway to make a long story drag on this is what I came up with at first. 1) the internet for introducing me to vlogs with hot lesbians I can daydream about
2)being able to control the heat/AC in my classroom 3) My electric blanket 4) living within walking distance to the grocery store 5) My Tivo In retrospect my list is maybe a bit shallow but that's what it looks like today. Tomorrow the possibilities are endless. Maybe I'll amend it. It's my list I can do that.
I'm off to watch Life.
Next time I might actually blog on one of my upcoming topics or NOT! Who knows?
Success Doesn't Just Happen!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Opossum Update!

Random TV Show Stuff mostly
Vote NO! on Prop 8 (if you live in CA; Unfortunately, I don't yet.)
Dude on the radio just said what I have been thinking all day. "Nothing on tv tonight but election coverage. Looks like it's a DVR kind of night" I have some serious Army Wives catching up to do. I think I'm like five eps behind.
Ok, I jotted down like 5 pages of notes on stuff I have been watching. I'll do a quickie recap version here since I can't really read most of it or remember my own short hand.
Survivor: Gabon
I don't think in the history of this show has there been a team quite as clueless and idiotic as Fang (both versions). There was that one time in Survivor: Palau (with Steph & Bobbie Jon) where the team lost like every time; they sucked but they weren't idiots. They voted the right person off each time. Fang doesn't. They are seriously like the weakest and dumbest team ever. Moving on! Oh, I'm really liking Corinne still but I think it will be hilarious if Sugar manages to stay around awhile once they merge. She totally cracks me.
So I have a random quote from the week that Paloma got the boot: "I dislike so many people in this tribe that its a toss up." ~ Corinne (I heart her!)
Kath & KimReally? We are suppose to believe that Molly Shannon is Selma Blair's mother? I just can't get past that. I love both those actresses but really mother/daugther. Really? Plus I am not loving the show. I have already axed it from my tivo list after only two eps. I tried. I really tried.
I love Dexter! I think a lot like Dexter but I don't kill people. Not for real anyway. Fantasies don't count, do they?
The episode two weeks ago called 'All in the family' was kind of different with an acting theme. I enjoyed it more than usual. Here are a couple of my favorite quotes from this episode:
"Still. There's something to be said for being a character actor. The lead players, with all those emotions. Must be exhausting."
"Most actors toll in obscurity never stepping into the spotlight, but if you hone your craft, work diligently; you might just find yourself in the role of a lifetime." Both quotes are from Dexter. Most of the other charactes rarely say anything worth repeating.
America's Next Top Model
I really do still like Elina but I really can't freakin' believe the judges kept her the last two weeks. I'm glad just surprised me as much as her. Analeigh is kind of growing on me too. I thought Clarke was gorgeous after the makeover, but then she kept opening her mouth. Sometimes pretty girls just shouldn't talk at all.
Success Doesn’t Just Happen!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
News Bulletin: This just in...
So she calls me several times a day most everyday with something.
The second call today was a 'real emergency!’ She apparently had a baby (tiny) opossum on her front porch right beside the front door which she almost stepped on.
I wasn't exactly sure what she wanted me to do about it. I told her 'Grandma, we live in the city. I can't just come over and shoot it. They frown on that. Do you really need to go outside right now? It will probably go away eventually.' She doesn't answer this question. I don't think she actually heard it. She has that selective hearing -- you know, she hears what she wants to hear or not.
I suggested that she sweep him/her (??) off the porch; however, she is afraid it will run past her into the house. I'm out of suggestions and the neighbor is yelling to her from across the yard, so she hangs up on me.
Apparently, she did call pest control and they don't come out after 6 pm. So the neighbor called the police because that is the logical next step.
The police officer shows up and picks it up and seems to think it is malnourished. So apparently we are now concerned about the opossum’s nutrition? Turns out the opossum is the newly adopted pet of the other next door neighbor and it escaped from the back yard where it was left.
I'm pretty sure I haven't heard the last of that opossum.
My grandmother tends to find the negative in any given situation and as they say Misery loves company, mine specifically.
Success Doesn’t Just Happen!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Survivor:Gabon Season Premiere!